Monday, May 31, 2010
Holiday Weekend Junking...
In between grad parties, 40th birthday parties, bbq's and more grad parties we managed to sneak in some junking...We hit Elko/New Market's flea on Saturday morning (but of course were on a strict schedule so as not to be late to one of the parties.) I didn't take pictures of everything I got but the dealers must have been good moods (or my flirting skills were working overtime) because I got some of the greatest deals. I was browsing through an old blue truck full of linens, textiles and trims when the dealer came running over to tell me I can have the whole darn thing for $10 (even the trunk!)...who could pass that up? When I got home and could take everything out I was so thrilled to find all this stuff...
Spools of bead trim, spools of delicate flower trim, old velvet leaves, skeins of old embroidery floss, oodles of crocheted trim and this fancy fancy beaded trim that looks like it came off an old 20's flapper gown...if anyone needs some fancy beaded trim just let me know!
Here's the rest of the contents of the trunk...old baby clothes, an old underskirt that looks like something Laura Ingall's might have worn, felted wool baby blankets, pillowcases, yards of lace and yards of fabulous wheat colored linen.
Here's what Sebastian did while we were junking... top it all off, Goodwill had 50% everything in the store except for red ticketed items (today only)...I think I bought every vintage book they had! Happy Hollister's anyone?
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Honored Heroes...
I come from a family of Navy men...all the way back to my Great Grandfather Philip Telesphore Carpentier, WWI Navy Veteran. I understand Memorial Day is really a day to honor all the men and women who lost their lives fighting for this great country we live in...but I wanted to remember all my family (and friends) who were so brave and courageous. I'm so proud to be their granddaughter, daughter, step-sister and friend...thank you from the bottom of my heart:
Telesphore Philip Carpentier - US Navy, WWII, Korea, Vietnam (my father's father)
Charles Peter Roemer - US Navy, Lieutenant Commander (how cool is that?) WWII, Korea, Vietnam (my mother's father)
Charles was a fighter pilot...flew everything the Navy owned.
John Louis Carpentier - US Navy, Vietnam and The Cuban Missile Crisis (my Father). My parents met while stationed in father was the mechanic who fixed all the Naval aircraft my Grandfather Charles flew.

Tim Harshman - Army, Gulf War (Step-Brother)
Mike Tuckner - Army, Gulf War (Friend)
Veronica Garcia - Army, Iraq War (Friend)
Cody Low-Fluery - Army, Boot Camp begins in a few days (Friend's son)
Happy Memorial Day...
Friday, May 28, 2010
My First Junk Show...

Thursday, May 27, 2010
It's Here!!!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Junking in Stillwater
Stillwater is considered the "birth place" of Minnesota, it's a very old city that was settled around's just a hop, skip and a jump from good ol' Woodbury. This weekend was sort of the Stillwater "garage sale/yard sale" weekend so I thought we'd see how lucky we could get finding treasures in all those fancy old houses. We didn't have anything mapped out but you really can't get lost in Stillwater; as long as you find one of the four main roads you can always find your way out. Tom was getting a little irritated with me though because I wasn't paying attention to the sales signs as much as I was to all the old houses...with their leaded windows, turrets and wrap around porches...I dream of living in an old house like that...with the creaky wooden floors and the built in pantries, brings back memories of my childhood house...oh how I loved that house! Anyway, we didn't find a ton of stuff but I love what we did find...
Sadly I think I'm addicted to old books...that one in the very back is an old plumbing book. Who buys a plumbing book? But hey, don't pick on me, the graphics are really cool!
And here's my favorite find...Friday morning Sebastian and I were talking about catching fire flies this summer with the cousins (from Virginia) and I thought this old jar would be perfect...except that the lid is missing. We can tie a piece of old burlap over the top and it'll be just fine.

I'm not sure what we have planned for today but I'm sure we'll sneak in a little junking...after all, today at Goodwill the green tagged items are half off! Happy Junking!
I'm not sure what we have planned for today but I'm sure we'll sneak in a little junking...after all, today at Goodwill the green tagged items are half off! Happy Junking!
garage sale finds,
vintage books,
vintage jar
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
A Very SCARY Un-Birthday To Me...
Let me preface this story by reminding those who have been following along for some time (and giving a little background to those newer readers) that I love buying creepy old doll heads to scare my neice, Jordan. She and her mother (my older sister) live in Virginia all year except for the summers, which are spent in their newly acquired "Minnesota Home"...which also happens to be a stone's throw from my house...because of the close proximity I can easily sneak over and hide doll heads in various places in hopes of...let's just say, "surprising" Jordan.
So, I may or may not have had a birthday last week. My sister apologized in advance as she knew my gift would be late but promised "it will be worth the wait". It showed up yesterday, all wrapped in pretty paper that I'm sure she made herself with the cutest card I've ever seen (which she also made herself) but tucked deep in the box was this..........................
Monday, May 17, 2010
Happy Sunny Monday...
After about 10 straight days of rain here in Minnesota we ended up having fantastic weather over the weekend so in-between garage saling I managed to tend to ALL of my I can just sit back and enjoy summer right? I planted a few more Foxglove by the birdbath in the backyard. Aren't they pretty...
Sebastian was finally able to plant his "Giant Cabbage." He has to record the cabbage's growth and his fertilizing/watering habits and come September, if he submits a picture of the best cabbage of all the kids in school, he could win a $1,000 scholarship! Go Sebastian!
And here's a little peak at some altered vintage books I was able to work on a little on Sunday morning...not sure if I should put these in my Etsy shop or just save them for my booth sale??? (perhaps I should just keep them all for myself!)
altered vintage book journals,
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Garage Sale Weekend...
This weekend was the Woobury Lion's Club Garage Sales...I wish I would have taken pictures because you wouldn't believe the chaos of it all unless you saw it for yourself. The city-wide garage sale is a Friday-Saturday event and people come from Wisconsin, the Dakotas and Iowa to this literally can not drive down most streets on Friday (which is the main "sale" day), I'm sure our postal carriers LOVE trying to deliver the mail. This year Tom and I decided we would have a garage sale, we usually just take the day off work and do some picking at everyone else's garage sales but we had so much junk we needed to get rid of...I couldn't believe it when we had everything finally moved out to the garage. We didn't even have enough table space...but luckily it was a warm and sunny weekend so we put everything in boxes and set it in the driveway. We had things marked to sell and sell we did! The remaining items will be donated to Goodwill, Neighbors and Lupus.
Tom manned the fort while I snuck out to do a little picking myself. I carefully plotted out my route and managed to hit all the sales that touted "Antiques". There's always three or four churches that have big sales too, those are the sales I love the most, I always find great this flower basket for $3.00 (it's huge!), I belive this is what they put flowers in for funerals back in the day. I've seen many old photos with these baskets placed on graves.
Here's just about 1/3 of my haul...and yes, that's a mattress in the background. We were trying to sell our old queen bed but didn't, I'm not too disappointed though because the bed is the only big ticket item that didn't back down the basement it goes.
Gobs of old ric rac - most of it still sealed in it's original packaging... I got gobs of pretty vintage buttons too but didn't photograph those because I don't want Jessica to see them...
Most of what I'm buying is for re-sale in my Alice and Elsie booth but I really don't think I can part with this pretty blue daisy plate...
...or this "NEST" block!
All these bits and baubles were in a vintage Christmas card box for $ I know any little girl who's name starts with an "M" that loves vintage brooches??? why yes, I think I do (Madison).
These little wooden musical anges were too adorable to pass up, not sure what I'll do with them but I'm sure I'll think of something!
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
The Gift of an Ordinary Day
If you're a regular reader of my blog you know how much I struggled when my firstborn ran off and left me for secondborn is getting ready to do the same thing, I have a very short 15 months left with him and it's killing me. Where in the hell did the time go? A girlfriend of mine is in the same boat...her oldest is graduating from highschool in a few weeks. Her story is a little heavier than mine however because her son isn't just leaving for college...he's enlisted himself in the Army and will be leaving her on June 9th. I've always thought I was the only crazy mother that wanted to go back in time and do it all over again...not because I have regrets but just because I want the time went by so fast, just like they always tell you it will! She sent me this video (I think because she's evil and gets pleasure out of watching me weep) but I'm glad she did because now I know that I'm not the only mother that wants more time and longs for those days when hugs and kisses were abundant!
Take a peek at it but I'm warning may need a tissue or two!
By Katrina Kenison (
Take a peek at it but I'm warning may need a tissue or two!
By Katrina Kenison (
mother's day,
the gift of an ordinary day
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
It's official...
Alice and Elsie is officially registered with the Secretary of the State of Minnesota, my legal notice of the Certificate of Assumed Name is being published in the local newspaper (a requirement), I've got my tax ID number, I've signed up to sell at my first show (more details to follow) and I'm now in the process of finding a suitable space to rent in an antique shop. The house has literally been taken over with all my junking finds...there's the pile that's ready to be inventoried, the pile that needs to be repurposed or Trash-to-Treasur-ed, the pile that I want to keep but know that I shouldn't because I need inventory (like the pitcher below) and the pile that's been packed up and ready to store until needed.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Churches and Cemeteries...
Yesterday was the big neighborhood sale in the Summit Hill area of St. Paul. It's a very beautiful area, lots of old houses with wrap around porches, leaded windows and Grandmother's family grew up in this area. The first sale I went to was in an old church build around 1849, I found tons of great only regret is that I didn't take any pictures of the church. I'll go back this summer with my sister and we'll get some then. Sorry I didn't take any pictures of my haul either but I found lots of old linens, a small end table with "drop leaves"...the elderly lady told me it had belonged to her grandmother, old flatware, lots of German books, an old hat hook, lots of black and white pictures and all sorts of little odds and ends. When Tom got home from work (Yes, he had to work Friday night and Saturday morning because their Ireland system crashed and he had to get them back up and running) we headed to St. Mary's of the Lake Cemetery to find the Carpentier/Auger grave sites.
I spoke with the cemetary "caretaker" on the phone Friday to get all the "rules" and to find out exactly where my ancestors are buried...he gave me very specific directions (and they're literally right inside the front gates) but we could NOT find this gravemarker...who in the world would miss this big thing? Anyway we drove around the entire cemetary...thank goodness it's small then on our way back to where the caretaker originally told us to look Tom spotted it! See the terra cotta colored marker on the left in the background...that one is also for the Auger's (my grandfather's brother Clifford Carpentier is buried there) so that's the one that caught our eye first...which is the excuse I'll use for missing this marker.
Buried by this marker is my Great Great Grandfather Joseph Esdras Auger and his wife Marienne Auger...their daughter Mary Ann (Auger) Carpentier and her husband (my Great Grandfather) Phillip Telesphore Carpentier. It appears as though someone was clearing away the growth from Joseph's and Marienne's headstones but Phillip's and Mary's were a little on the neglected side. Luckily I brought my gardening gloves and some tools to get those cleaned up a bit.
Because Tom had to work we didn't have time to take the 1 1/2 hour drive to Cannon City to find the Dauphinais (Duffina) graves but maybe next weekend.
I've decided to hire an electrician to hang a chandelier in my new studio (aka Shelby's bedroom) and it's a toss-up between these two....I'm leaning towards the top one...whatta ya think?

old tombstones
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