The rest of us were hot too...Gabrielle (my niece) dropped her snow cone (most of it landed on me) right after I took this picture. She wasn't too upset though, she told me that the juice didn't taste very good anyway. (Sebastian, Shelby and Gabrielle...Matt was still fishing in Canada)
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Polar Bears...
Well, I made it through my first week of work at my new it so far! I especially love the fact that I can wear jeans! I'll never ever buy another pair of "business" pants again. Here are the pictures from the new polar bear exhibit at Como Zoo...we went last weekend but I've just been too busy to post...

Poor thing looked so bored and so hot...

The rest of us were hot too...Gabrielle (my niece) dropped her snow cone (most of it landed on me) right after I took this picture. She wasn't too upset though, she told me that the juice didn't taste very good anyway. (Sebastian, Shelby and Gabrielle...Matt was still fishing in Canada)
The rest of us were hot too...Gabrielle (my niece) dropped her snow cone (most of it landed on me) right after I took this picture. She wasn't too upset though, she told me that the juice didn't taste very good anyway. (Sebastian, Shelby and Gabrielle...Matt was still fishing in Canada)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Hot Fun...
I wanted to take full advantage of my few days off (before I start my new job Monday) so we planned a few fun outdoor activities...unfortunately Matthew chose to go fishing with his dad in Canada instead of hanging out with us and Shelby had to work so Sebastian and I set off for Stillwater. I wanted to stop at an estate sale in White Bear Lake on the way but had to promise him ice cream as a bribe.
He chose a yummy banana split...he tried his best but couldn't finish the whole thing. (and no, I did not finish it for him.) Isn't it funny how a little ice cream can make someone so happy?
You can't make a trip to Stillwater without sitting by the river...especially when the weather is this beautiful!
We relaxed under the shade of a tree for a bit...ok, I relaxed and Sebastian played Pokemon on his DS. We were hoping they'd have to lift the bridge for passing boats but alas, there wasn't any boat traffic, not surprising for a Thursday afternoon. Thankfully he didn't protest too much when I told him I wanted to do a little browsing at Rose Mille and Country Charm Antiques.
Here's the loot I picked up at the estate sale and both Stillwater stores.
I'm going to attempt to turn these antiques knobs into curtain tie-backs. Not quite sure how I'm going to do it but I have an idea.
This scale was way way underpriced at the estate sale. I love the green color so much that I might keep this one for myself and sell the black one in my studio in my Junk Bonanza booth.
I know I have too much vintage lace already but I just can't pass it up, especially when the price is right.
I know there's no way I'll be able to bribe Sebastian to come with me to more sales today so I'll just have to wait until tomorrow. It's another (hot) beautiful day in Minnesota so we're off to the zoo to see the newly renovated polar bear exhibit!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
A treat for myself...
I've wanted one of those cute little Fuji Instax Mini camera niece Jordan got one from Santa so I've been coveting hers but I'm such a cheapskate I couldn't bring myself to spend the money. Lucky for me the price is about half of what it was back in November so I broke down and bought one...along with tons and tons of film.
I LOVE those cute little credit card size photos...guess I'll have to make a special album just for them! Needless to say, my kids and tired of me getting in their face with the darn thing so I had to move on to my youngest niece Molly who was more than happy to give me a huge smile (see her pic underneath Sebastian.)
Today was a big day for was my last day at the TV station I've worked at for 15 looooooong years. I wasn't sad at all and didn't shed any tears (despite all the crying by my co-workers). It was definitely time for me to move on and I'm looking forward to starting my new job on Monday. In the meantime I've got a few days to play...I wonder how much junking I can squeeze in?
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Rain Rain Go Away...
We've had non-stop rain for days now and I'm way past wanting to see the sun again. I guess the brightside to all the rain is that I don't feel guilty holed up in my studio trying to finish some projects...I finished this one last night...I showed you the cover in my last post. I haven't quite decided if I'm going to list it in my Etsy store or save it for Junk Bonanza. 

I was all set to have most of the day to myself to do some junking and some crafting and oh, I was so excited...Matthew had to take the ACT at 8:00, Tom (and his BFF Joe) are attempting to sell some of Tom's sports collectibles at a show so they had to leave at 8:00, Shelby had to work at 10:00 and Sebastian had a birthday party at 10:00..but I got an email from my uncle on Thursday who was tattling on my bed-ridden father who always claims he's "ok" and insists that he doesn't need me to do anything for him. He knew right away someone tattled on him...must have been my "I'm-not-taking-no-for-an-answer" voice? So instead of my original plan I spent the morning running errands, grocery shopping, making my nearly emaciated dad "breakfast in bed" (at noon) and cleaning his kitchen. I was so worried about him last night that I had a little break-down (especially when he said something like "don't be alarmed when you see me laying here" but after seeing him this morning I know he'll be okay. He's scheduled for surgery on Thursday and will have to be in recovery for about 4 weeks...then I can work on fattening him back up! After doing my daughterly duties I hit an estate sale...WOW were the prices low! Here's my haul (I won't even tell you what I wouldn't believe me if I did!)
Don't ask what I'll do with the sign and three boxes of those little plastic letters because I don't have an answer...maybe it'll look good with "ALICE AND ELSIE" on it for my booth?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Shop Update (finally)...
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Auctions and Ephemera...
I promised my Woodbury, MN, collage artist friend, Val, that I would take her to one of my favorite junking spots in Minneapolis. It's called Hunt & Gather and it's a perfect place to find all sorts of vintage ephemera...but you have to really be in a mood to PICK because they have two floors worth of treasures and the shop is just busting at the seams! Val is originally from Virginia (and lived in Ireland before that) so she's not very familiar with Minnesota. I gladly offered to show her all my favorite picking spots. Val found gobs more goodies than I's what I ended up bringing home... 
I hope my niece Madison isn't reading this...these Hippo cards are for her (she collects hippo junk)...

And this crusty old thing is a "Collar Box"...I guess back in the day people had enough "collars" to warrant a special box just to hold them all????
Tom and I also attended our first auction last night and it was quite an experience. They had 5 vintage victorian plant stands that I very badly wanted (ok...I really only wanted one but I had 5 chances to place a winning bid), they had numerous vintage photo albums full of cabinet and tin type photos, a metal victorian chaise lounge, wonderful wooden cubbies with drawers and wainscotting...I was in heaven but a little nervous about doing the whole auction thing correctly. Well, my first item that I wanted to bid on was an old photo "limit" was $40...stupid me...the bidding STARTED at $125...what!? Needless to say, I never even got to raise my number ONCE to place a bid because, as luck would have it, everyone else there wanted the exact same things as I did...didn't get one darn thing. Of course Tom was the ONLY ONE to bid on the ONE thing he wanted. Even though I came home empty handed I'm hooked on auctions...I just hope I have better luck next Monday!

vintage cards,
vintage collar box,
vintage ephemera
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Pocket Organizer Swap...
I participated in my friend Jessica's pocket organizer swap, she hosted and I was lucky enough to end up as her partner. I received my package in the mail yesterday and WOW...she sent some serious loot! Here's the cute little organizer...I couldn't fit everything she sent in the pockets or you wouldn't be able to see the cute organizer.
And here's a picture of all the bags full of goodies, there were vintage cabinet photos, ledger papers, playing cards, oodles and oodles of buttons, brooches, wallpaper, postcards and tons of other stuff. It'll take me weeks just to look at it all.

Thanks Jessica! Glad you hosted and even more glad we ended up being partners!
Thanks Jessica! Glad you hosted and even more glad we ended up being partners!
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