I have always dreamed of opening my own antique shop...or starting an occasional sale business. But, being the chicken*bleep* that I am, I settled on the safest combination of the two. After cutting my hours back at my big-girl job, I took the plunge and rented space in an antique mall in Hudson, Wisconsin (only 15 minutes away from Woodbury, Minnesota).
I was scared to death of giving up part of my guaranteed salary to do something where I might not make any money at all, heck, I might even lose money! But this mall is one I absolutely adore, I shop there quite often and when I went to look at the space that was available one of the girls even recognized me (guess I go junking too often!) So, with the help of the Mister, we moved a big truckload of wonderful junk in on September first...then another on Labor Day.

And the last big load we brought this morning...after three hours of me moving this here, then back over there...then back to where it was...this is what my space now looks like! It is so full I couldn't possibly get one more thing in there...well, perhaps I could if it was really small. And I even let the Mister put some of his sports collectibles in that little display case there on the little taupe table...see it? Yep, that's it. All of the other girls (dealers) that are there are really great, I think this is going to be quite fun! After my initial anxiety attack, thinking "Good Lord, what have I done!", I'm really, really, REALLY glad I did it!
So, if you're ever in the eastern Minnesota, western Wisconsin area, stop by Abigail Page Antiques on 2nd Street in Hudson! I might be there "fluffing" my booth!