This is the Sewlickey Library, built in 1923...
St. Stephens Church was so lovely...although we didn't go inside. Church doors are always supposed to be open but much to our surprise, we found all the doors locked on the little Lutheran Church in town. Some nice church ladies did let us in to look around and take photos but told us that churches are now having to lock their doors...that's really too bad. What is this world coming to? 
So after practically breaking into the Lutheran Church I just decided to photograph the outside of the remaing 1120 churches in town. I'm exaggerating of course but I've never seen so many churches in such a small town. This one was by far my favorite.
And, I just had to show you a photo of the groom, Joe, the Best Man (hubby) and my little guy who was the cutest groomsmen EVER! Tom and Joe have known each other for 28 years and Joe is Sebastian's Godfather so these three share quite a bond.
And finally, this is what greeted us Saturday morning as we were packing up the car to make the 13 hour drive back to Minnesota.

I'll post photos of the beatiful Sewlickey Cemetary tomorrow...appropriate for Halloween! Hope you all had a nice weekend...we sure did...but it's soooo good to be home!