If you visit my blog regularly you know how much I like junking at my local Goodwill stores, you can really find some great vintage treasures if you hunt regularly. Well, a few weeks ago I stumbled upon this tiny little felt treasure and snatched it up. I love felt and what could be better than
vintage felt? It measures about 5 1/2 x 6...the frame isn't the greatest but the felt work is so adorable that it makes up for the frame's lack of cuteness...

Last Sunday I found this old lidded jar...possibly used to hold cold cream? Sort of reminds me of my mother's old Avon jars full of perfumed creams. I've seen these in Antique shops so I know it's missing a floral glass insert for the lid but I knew it had possibilities so purchased it anyway.

It didn't take me long to figure out what I would do to replace the glass that was missing from the lid...I used my framed felt flowers as inspiration.

The hardest part was making a little flower pattern for the yellow flowers, I had to try a few times before I finally created one I was pleased with. I traced the lid on some plain white paper and used that to cut a circle out of white felt. I Cut all the flowers and leaves from yellow, green and turquoise felt and stitched it all into place. Added a few rhinestone centers to the flowers and glues it to the lid...the lid had a little lip around the inside so the felt tucked nicely underneath to give the edge a smooth look.

I love the way it turned out! Ok...now onto my next project, check back tomorrow to find out more.