Sunday, November 13, 2011

Trash to Treasure (workspace edition)...

I have been on such a non-stop crafting frenzy that this is what my workspace looked like this morning... and my floor was so bad I couldn't even get to my chair...see it buried in the background?I don't know about you but I'm much more productive with a clean space and for me there's not better inspiration than being able to find your your glue stick and scissors =) So after breakfast I got busy and started cleaning...

This is what my workspace looks like now...And I can once again get to my chair. It's been so long since I've been able to vacuum that even Tom came in to have a look...he couldn't believe I could actually manuever the vacuum around the room! Now I'm off to mess it up again!

And sorry about the poor's bee so gray and dreary around here lately I just wish it would snow least it would cover up all the ugly brown grass!


Jessica Rodarte said...

I like seeing both messy and clean workspaces. A messy workspace is a busy workspace, but I agree that there's nothing more inspirational than being able to find your glue stick and scissors! *chuckle*

jillskict said...

My office needs help. . .I just need time :)

momofmiracles said...

I love that you craft just like I do. Everyone always tells me I should have tutorials and I always say "have you seen my studio" .. LOL. It is helpful to be able to find supplies though :o)
Hoping you have treasures left over from the show .. can't wait to see/shop.

Auntie Cake said...

So you are the reason it is snowing today!!!

And my little craft room looks exactly like yours. The total bummer is that Dan moved his closet in there so he has to get in there every day. I am trying to clear him a path.

Good luck at your boutique!

Dreaming of Vintage said...

My room is a pigsty! There is glitter, mica flakes, and bits of ledger paper everywhere! Clean up time is near!