Monday, July 21, 2014


Note:  I finally got an iPhone in December 2013 and immediately got hooked on my blogging stopped.  It was Instagram all the time.

In April, 2014, I became interested in living a healthier, toxic free/chemical free lifestyle.  I was tired of being tired all the time, I was tired on not being able to think of words and I was tired of the dark circles under my eyes...I was hoping to find a way to manage my Hypothyroidism "naturally" instead of with prescription medication and I just wanted to feel better in both mind and body.  Time to break my Diet Dr. Pepper addiction.  It was time for a body Detox.

I happened upon a book while visiting a home decorating blog (of all places), the book was simply titled "Clean" and was written by someone I now (half jokingly) refer to as my "boyfriend", Dr. Alejandro Junger.  I immediately bought the book, I mean I got right in the car, drove to Barnes and Noble and bought the book.  Couldn't put it down...earmarked it, highlighted it and covered it with post-its.  I learned so much about my body and how things trigger other things and how chemicals and toxins prevent your body from working correctly...I decided to do his "cleanse" for 21 days (yes, 21 days.)

After the cleanse, I made an appointment with my doctor for a full, fasting physical exam, complete with blood work for vitamin deficiencies, hemoglobin, cholesterol, etc.  I wanted to find out what wasn't "right" and what more needed to be "fixed" after the detox cleanse.  This was the start of all the life-changing events that I now want to share with anyone who's interested, who might be going through something similar, who wants to know about "natural" products I've tried or am trying and who might get some inspiration from this blog.

On Friday, June 20, 2014, I saw a new doctor (my regular doctor decided not to return from her maternity leave, can't say I blame her.) I ended up having to plead my case to this doctor to have her approve a lab order to check my Vitamin D (possible cause of my tiredness and other problems per my "boyfriend"), she was very reluctant but finally gave approval.  After the physical, I was waiting in the exam room for paperwork before heading to the lab, the doctor came back in, a little alarmed, to tell me that my pulse was only 49 and that I have Bradycardia.  What?  Bradywhat?  (I think my heart rate increased right then!)

She explained that a normal heart rate is between 60 and 80 beats per minute, mine was only 49. She said that only extremely conditioned athletes have rates this low (insinuating that type of person was NOT me) then asked if I had chest pain, shortness of breath, tingling in my arms..."no" to all of that.  She immediately sent me to the lab to get my blood work and for an EKG.  What the hell is happening?  I was panicked to say the least...but that was it, she drops that bomb on me, gives me a 1/2 page printout on Bradywhatever, pats my head and sends me on my way.

I managed to hold back the flood gate of tears while heading down to the I am, a 46 year old mother of three with no history of health problems (aside from Hypothyroidism)..I've always been athletic and in good physical shape and I have a heart problem?  What? Why? How?

After the EKG, which showed my heart at 47, the lab technician told me the doctor will read the results and get back to me.

That was it.

Nobody said anything else to me.

I got in my car, called my husband and the flood gates opened.  I have Bradycardia.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear that. Because you don't have other symptoms like chest pain and shortness of breath maybe your condition is stable? I hope it is.
