Thursday, October 20, 2011

Something Wicked this Way Comes..

Does anyone watch the new FX series American Horror Story? Well, I'm a sucker for scary...scary anything, especially around Halloween, so when the hubby and I saw the previews for this, coupled with the fact that it started mid-October, we immediately set a season pass on the DVR...a 'you-had-me-at-horror' sort of thing. I wasn't so sure about it after the first episode, I was so disturbed by it I wouldn't go to bed alone and I snuggled in really close to Tom the whole night. Now that we've seen episodes two and three I'm hooked...can't wait until next Wednesday! It's a real puzzler though, very macabre and mysterious...and it's one of those that's going to unravel very slooooooooowwwwwwly! Check it out if you like dark and can watch all three aired episodes on the FX website.

From Halloween to Christmas in the blink of an are some burlap and muslin stockings I'm making for the Handmade Christmas craft fair.
And I'm stocking up on my fabric and paperbag mini albums. I hope to have gobs done and ready by December 3rd! Gotta try to squeeze my Christmas crafting in between scary Halloween stuff!


  1. Oh that sounds like a good one, we are going to have to check it out. Our DVR is full, I keep having to delete stuff to make more room. . .I LOVE the burlap stocking, it is absolutely adorable!

  2. Dare I admit that I'm a big chicken for scary movies? Suspense I can stomach, but scary? I'll have to sleep with the lights on.
    I know. It's so embarrassing.
    I just love those paper bag mini albums, Rachel!! Those will definitely be snatched up quick. Cute, cute. I haven't made one in forever!
