Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bad Flea...

This weekend was the first Flea Market here in Minnesota. The first one is always mid-April at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds...and since we had snow yesterday less than half the vendors showed up much to our disappointment (but they don't tell you that when they're charging you an arm and leg for admission). These are the only treasures I brought home with me...I know, how sad is that?
A lovely vintage mold that was priced a little too high for my taste but I got her to come down a bit.
And two packs of my favorite Whitman Old Maid cards with the cutest graphics. I don't know why I needed both packs but I did!


  1. Total bummer about the vendors not showing up. And it does seem a tad bit sketchy that they didn't mention that before paying the admission price.

    Love the mold though, it's beautiful! I have been dreaming of starting a chocolate mold collection. It's about the only thing I haven't started collecting. I drool over them, but I can never seem to justify the big dollar they are able to command. Have a great week and stay warm!

  2. Those Whitman cards made it so worth it. I love 'em!

  3. We were going to try to go, but I had such a week, we passed. I hate to say it, but I guess I am glad. I love those Old Maid cards. Those are the ones I used to play with my Grandma.

    I meant to tell you, my HS had their Prom Saturday as well. Brrrrr!

  4. OMG I had those exact same cards when I was a kid spending summers at my grandma's in St. Cloud. What a hoot to see them in your blog! :)

  5. How fab; I have those cards...they are great! Fifi Fluff, love those names~

  6. I'm kind of roaming around... getting my Alice and Elsie fix... wondering when you're gonna post... ;)
    Miss you!!

  7. Hey Rachel,
    Just wondering what else you bought at the flea market after I rushed off to clean my home before the party. I had the best luck this time, it's all because I wasn't expecting to find much as Memorial Day totally sucked. I have been dreaming about your quilt. That was an awesome find.

    And I hope you survived registration. The middle of August is getting closer.

    Let me know if anything interesting is coming up flea market-wise. I know there is a big one in Grand Rapids in a couple of weekends. It's usually a good one, but a totally long ways for just one day.
