Friday, March 18, 2011

Look what I got!

So my new friend Cerri contacted me to see if I'd be interested in doing a private swap. I'm an avid reader of her blog so I knew she had been working on these canvas totes cause she gave us a little tease here...although she didn't have them listed in her shop she was kind enough to give me one in our swap! And it is so darn cute! I just love it! So, when she lists them in her shop make sure you grab one before they're all gone.
And a little birdie I made from the pattern in this book.
I had to tweek the pattern just a bit because the body was way too small to support the head. I'm currently working on the peacock but don't like the material I used (it's too stretchy) so back to the drawing board...and I think I'm going to tweek that pattern as well to make her a little smaller. I'm off to the garden center...the birds are searching for food so I need to make them happy. Hope you have a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Stop! So stinkin' cute!
    Oh, that Cerri and her delicious projects all the time! She should bottle her creativity and sell it by the ounce.
