Sunday, May 2, 2010

Churches and Cemeteries...

Yesterday was the big neighborhood sale in the Summit Hill area of St. Paul. It's a very beautiful area, lots of old houses with wrap around porches, leaded windows and Grandmother's family grew up in this area. The first sale I went to was in an old church build around 1849, I found tons of great only regret is that I didn't take any pictures of the church. I'll go back this summer with my sister and we'll get some then. Sorry I didn't take any pictures of my haul either but I found lots of old linens, a small end table with "drop leaves"...the elderly lady told me it had belonged to her grandmother, old flatware, lots of German books, an old hat hook, lots of black and white pictures and all sorts of little odds and ends. When Tom got home from work (Yes, he had to work Friday night and Saturday morning because their Ireland system crashed and he had to get them back up and running) we headed to St. Mary's of the Lake Cemetery to find the Carpentier/Auger grave sites.

I spoke with the cemetary "caretaker" on the phone Friday to get all the "rules" and to find out exactly where my ancestors are buried...he gave me very specific directions (and they're literally right inside the front gates) but we could NOT find this gravemarker...who in the world would miss this big thing? Anyway we drove around the entire cemetary...thank goodness it's small then on our way back to where the caretaker originally told us to look Tom spotted it! See the terra cotta colored marker on the left in the background...that one is also for the Auger's (my grandfather's brother Clifford Carpentier is buried there) so that's the one that caught our eye first...which is the excuse I'll use for missing this marker.
Buried by this marker is my Great Great Grandfather Joseph Esdras Auger and his wife Marienne Auger...their daughter Mary Ann (Auger) Carpentier and her husband (my Great Grandfather) Phillip Telesphore Carpentier. It appears as though someone was clearing away the growth from Joseph's and Marienne's headstones but Phillip's and Mary's were a little on the neglected side. Luckily I brought my gardening gloves and some tools to get those cleaned up a bit.

Because Tom had to work we didn't have time to take the 1 1/2 hour drive to Cannon City to find the Dauphinais (Duffina) graves but maybe next weekend.

I've decided to hire an electrician to hang a chandelier in my new studio (aka Shelby's bedroom) and it's a toss-up between these two....I'm leaning towards the top one...whatta ya think?


  1. How neat finding the grave site of your relatives! Do you know anything about them? It would be so neat to take picture of the sites, other living pictures of them, and anything you know about them and document them in a book or one place. Hard core scrapbooker- I'm telling you. ;)
    Either chandelier will look beautiful, but I *have* to tell you I like the pretty muted color of the bottom one.

  2. I agree, they are both beautiful. I lean toward the bottom one. Can't wait to see your decision and your finished room...
