Saturday, January 30, 2010

Be My Valentine...

I finally put out my collection of vintage valentines...There's not a rhyme or reason to my collecting. I buy ones that catch my eye because of their cuteness, ones that have ridiculous sayings that make you laugh, and ones that are given to or are from "Rachel". My favorites; however, are the glossy German ones from the '20's with the little cherub-like characters.
I bought this one because of the saying..."Open your mouth and shut your eyes and I will give you somthing to make you wise"...hmmmm.
This honeycomb one reads "Oh would some power inspire this line to win you for my Valentine"
A bird of a valentine for-you? What's that supposed to mean?
And a few of my German favorites lined up on the fireplace mantel...wish I could leave them up all year round!


  1. I love those Valentines. I haven't seen any like that before. Thanks for sharing.
