Sunday, February 15, 2009

Art Journals and Other Goodies

Lately I've been obsessed with making these little journals for my etsy shop. I keep telling myself that I can't buy anymore vintage trims, buttons and trinkets until I use up the huge supply I have now...but I seem to be one of those people that want to keep everything for myself, I always grab some supplies for a item I'm making for my shop then think to myself...I can't use this on something to sell, I want to use this on something I make for myself. Well, I've been forcing myself to use some of those items and here are the end results...(although I still have a few items I can't bear to part with!)

The "X" on the button isn't thread, it was actually made that way...the "X" is metal.
This is a "he said/she said" book that has preprinted questionnaires in various categories (food, first date, favorites, etc.) for both him and her to fill out. My husband and I did this and I was really surprised at his answers. You may think you know how someone will respond but then again, you may be way off track!

This is one of my favorites (sometimes I secretly hope items I have listed in my store don't sell, then I don't feel so bad keeping them for this one!)

And here are some cute shabby and primitive hearts I made. They'd be good for Valentine's Day decor but I leave mine hanging all year round.
Well I've got to hit the showers...Sunday is the day Tom and I visit our local Goodwill stores and we've got to get there early to get in on the good deals. Sundays and Mondays are the days they have half off depending on the color of the price tag, I think today is half off the green items. If you haven't visited your local Goodwill store check it'd be surprised at the treasures you can find, not to mention that the money they raise helps charitable causes. Hope you all had a nice valentines day.

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